Monday, March 24, 2014

Romania Trip Day #1

Faculty members, Cory Gheen and Kyndra Pedrino, have accompanied four students to Targu Mures, Romania.  Two of the students are from the nutrition and dietetics program in the LLU school of Allied Health professions and two of the students are from the nutrition program in the LLU school of Public Health.  

The group of six are sharing presentations to the nutrition students of Targu Mures University.  Topics of presentation consists of what our LLU students have learned and accomplished in their educational journey thus far.  Students from Targu Mures are also sharing with the LLU students their experiences and asking questions regarding the dietetics profession as it is here in the United States.

More presentations will be given this week.

Below are a few pictures from their first day in Romania and their eight hour layover in Germany.

Sightseeing in Munich with their tour guide Yvonne.
Faculty member, Kyndra Woosley, and public health student Lily Correa making a presentation.

The students of Targu Mures University.

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